Grandma's Tales: Gingerbread Man
- Genre: All Sex
- Country: Russia
- Release year: 2002
- Duration: 01:49:56
- Directed by: Татьяна Танеева
- Casting: Степанида Елдырина, Екатерина Морозова, Николай Черных, Павел Мурашов, Дмитрий Макаров, Анна Звездунова
- Language: Russian
- Category:Movies , Russian porn movies
I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and from you, the fox, I will leave. Do you remember? Have not forgotten, of course. Old tales about the main thing, in the sense of PRO IT! Our gingerbread man is not a tidy, ruddy deceiver who has cruelly paid for his frivolity and disobedience. We have this vigorous girl who wants, loves and knows how to do this very thing with the first counter-transverse. The end, in the sense, the ending, of course, is not as tragic as in the original source
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